
Meine Acro-Reise begann vor 4 Jahren aus dem Wunsch heraus, die Verbindung zur eigenen Emotionalität und Menschen anders, tiefer, verwundbarer zu erfahren.
Zuvor hatte ich viele Jahre vietnamesisch-chinesisches Kung Fu (Qwan Ki Do) trainiert und auch Erfahrung als Trainer gesammelt.
Acro lädt mich ein, spannende Themen wie Frustration, Selbstzweifel, Angst in ernsthaft-spielerischer Weise zu durchleben und schenkt mir Vertrauen, Liebe, Mut und die allerschönsten Mitwesen.


Different entries into Hand2Hand L-Base
Anja, Florian

PREREQ: h2h and rev h2h in L-Base (Flyer or Base)
We want to explore different ways to get into h2h - static, popping, twisting, dislocating... whatever you can or can't imagine until now. Let's try it out!
Language: Englisch and German possible

2 Akrobatik: mittel
Grand Cloud
S-base reverse Hand2Hand for beginners
Florian, Verena

We'll work towards the "step-step" entry to reverse H2H through exercises with l-and sitting base, focusing on stability for bases and comitting to this initially daunting skill for flyers.
pre-reqs: standing on shoulders; working on h2h (l or s);

2 Akrobatik: mittel
Grand Cloud
Master your Reverse Star
Anja, Florian

PREREQ: headstand oder shoulderstand and a bit of body awareness when upside down :)
There is this one thing that just doesn't work no matter how hard you try? Welcome to the "how to" of Reverse Star flying and basing. We will catch up on the point where you're struggling and make it happen to finally enter the Reverse Star Universe ;) It's open level - so if you're already a reverser, we can uplevel your entry-skills as well. Come and have fun with us!
German and English possible.

1 Akrobatik: leicht / offenes Niveau
Grand Cloud
Advanced Flow L-Base
Anja, Florian

PREREQ: h2h L-Base, experience with icarians
Let's flow together! We have assembled a crispy flow with a lot of different and challenging moves. It will be fun!
German and English possible.

3 Akrobatik: schwer
Grand Cloud
Florian, Verena

A very elegant entry to H2H, the inlocate can feel super light and satisfying or nigh impossible, depending immensely on the connection of flyer and base. This workshop covers drills and exercises for both and will at least supply you with a better understanding of working in unison throughout your tempos and feeling your partner.
pre-reqs: 5s standing H2H without active spotting

3 Akrobatik: schwer
Blue Temple
S-base Hand2Hand for beginners
Florian, Verena

We'll work on some h2h basics in l-base, handstand and standing pre-exercises. There'll be plenty time to practice the actual thing with good spotting and sustainable, flyer friendly basing ;)
pre-reqs: standing on shoulders; working on l-base h2h

2 Akrobatik: mittel
Blue Temple