S-base reverse Hand2Hand for beginners
15.08, 11:00–12:30 (Europe/Berlin), Grand Cloud
Sprache: English

We'll work towards the "step-step" entry to reverse H2H through exercises with l-and sitting base, focusing on stability for bases and comitting to this initially daunting skill for flyers.
pre-reqs: standing on shoulders; working on h2h (l or s);

Meine Acro-Reise begann vor 4 Jahren aus dem Wunsch heraus, die Verbindung zur eigenen Emotionalität und Menschen anders, tiefer, verwundbarer zu erfahren.
Zuvor hatte ich viele Jahre vietnamesisch-chinesisches Kung Fu (Qwan Ki Do) trainiert und auch Erfahrung als Trainer gesammelt.
Acro lädt mich ein, spannende Themen wie Frustration, Selbstzweifel, Angst in ernsthaft-spielerischer Weise zu durchleben und schenkt mir Vertrauen, Liebe, Mut und die allerschönsten Mitwesen.

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My name is Verena and I live in the Netherlands. As a kid I did sports acrobatics untill I was 13. I missed it immensely but couldn't continue.

Now 10years later I came back in the acro scene through acroyoga on a Buddhist retreat and I was thrilled I could fly again!! After that I joined acro conventions where I continued doing standing acro, what was in a way more similar to sport acrobatics.
That was a very funny period because people had to explain a L-base star to me and at the same time I also joined advanced standing workshops.

Now happily joining for a year and it did improve my life a lot! I never want to leave acro again.

But I like that the focus is different then the sport acrobatics, what is meanly about making a perfect performance for a jury.

I love how the acroyoga and the circus acro is way more about the connection and the time together as humans.
So I love spending time with you guys. Giving some helping tips hopefully from my experience.

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