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We are Juan from Argentina and Asuka from Germany! We met through Acro and have been close friends and acro partners since. Our passion for this beautiful sport and hobby has brought us together two years ago. Since then we have been training together regularly in our hometown Berlin. We both value safety and joy during acro, thats why the important role of spotting, having a good "gut feeling" and trusting each other will be a focus in our workshops.
Looking forward to meet and do acro with you!


Castaway Workshop
Asuka, Juanito

Come and learn Castaway with us (Pop from Bird to Throne)! Castaway is an intermediate Icarian, often one of the first intermediate icarian that people learn, although we believe it is not the easiest one. We ourselves have changed it many time over the years but feel quite happy with our technique now and are happy to share what we have learned to make this trick save, high and look beautiful :)

2 acrobatics: intermediate
Black Forest
Icarian from Bird to reversed-Star and Back
Asuka, Juanito

Come and learn the Icarian from Bird to Reversed-Star and Back to Bird without hands with us!

Please bring the following Prereqs: Being able to do the trick with hands, stable Reversed-Star.

2 acrobatics: intermediate
Black Forest
Cascade Workshop
Asuka, Juanito

Come and learn Cascade with us! (Pop from Throne to Reversed-Star)

Please bring the following Prereqs: Stable reversed-Star, Straight Thrones (clean and high) and pop from Bird to Reversed-Star with hands.

We can teach in English, German, Spanish

2 acrobatics: intermediate
Red Peaks