Eva Junge

Eva is a certified AcroYoga and Circus Trainer and loves to play, move and sweat in community. In her facilitation, she intends to create a save and creative space for every body to explore and enjoy the journey of the practice.
Find her on instagram @ev_junge


Morning Movement
Eva Junge, Julia

We offer a morning practice to wake up your body in a gentle but playful way.
We will start on the ground, connecting with ourselves and the floor until we begin to reach out to the bodies around us. Our aim is to release tensions from the past few days, but also to warm up and prepare for the workshops to come. There will be time for mobility, strength and flexibility exercises, culminating in some silly cardio dance choreos that will get you sweating in no time!

No pre-reqs, everybody welcome!
-> If you only want to join us for the dances (who wouldn't!) then you should aim to join us around 15 min before the end of the workshop.

5 Yoga & verschiedene Bewegungen
Red Peaks
Transitioning into Acronia
Eva Junge, Julia

This workshop aims to connect with ourselves, each other and the floor as a slow start to our Acronia experience. We'll be playing with movement on the floor, partner improvisation, floor acrobatics and building short floorwork choreos. If you've just arrived at the festival and are looking for a conscious moment to enter this time of movement and connection, this workshop might be just for you.

1 Akrobatik: leicht / offenes Niveau
From clumsy to graceful
Eva Junge, Julia

In this workshop we'll explore different ways to get your flyer spinning in the air in a flow that connects moments of easy with moments of challenge.
Be prepared for a lot of awkward transitions and some pretty poses along the way. We'll take it step by step!

2 Akrobatik: mittel
Queering AcroYoga
Eva Junge, Julia

In this workshop we want to look at gender and sexuality and how we reproduce socialised norms in our AcroYoga practice. After a short introduction to some relevant terms like gender, sex, heteronormativity or queer, we want to explore the following questions
How do we perform and embody gender in our daily lives and how does this show up when we fly or base? How much space do we intuitively like to take, and why? When do we want to look pretty, strong or weak?
You do not need any previous knowledge to join the workshop, but we would appreciate it if you come from a place of curiosity and willingness to explore. We do not have definitive answers, nor do we expect you to agree on definitive conclusions.

1 Akrobatik: leicht / offenes Niveau
Dancing in the air
Eva Junge, Julia

In this workshop we will facilitate a flow that focuses on balance and communication.
As the flow includes several moments of hand balancing, we will spend a good amount of time on exercises to refine our handstands. If you would like to spend more time on your handstands and still learn a new acroyoga flow, this workshop is for you!

2 Akrobatik: mittel
Slow and steady...
Eva Junge, Julia

...is how we will make our way through this challenging and technical flow. It'll take trust and spacious awareness to bring out the silly and playful potential of this flow. There will be elements of slacro.

2 Akrobatik: mittel
Morning Movement
Eva Junge, Julia

We offer a morning practice to wake up your body in a gentle but playful way.
We will start on the ground, connecting with ourselves and the floor until we begin to reach out to the bodies around us. Our aim is to release tensions from the past few days, but also to warm up and prepare for the workshops to come. There will be time for mobility, strength and flexibility exercises, culminating in some silly cardio dance choreos that will get you sweating in no time!

No pre-reqs, everybody welcome!
-> If you only want to join us for the dances (who wouldn't!) then you should aim to join us around 15 min before the end of the workshop.

5 Yoga & verschiedene Bewegungen
Red Peaks