Acroyoga für Einsteiger:innen
16.08, 11:00–12:30 (Europe/Berlin), Wood Stage
Sprache: Deutsch

In diesem Workshop lernst du Posen wie den High flying whale, den Flieger oder den Thron, mit Tipps und Tricks in Kombination mit hübschen Übergängen, kennen. Wir legen in unseren Workshops großen Wert auf Sicherheit, Inklusion und vor allem Spaaaaß.

Caro unterrichtet seit 3 Jahren wöchentlich Acroyogakurse in Leipzig im Be Light. Komm gerne mal vorbei :).

Hi you :),

my name is Caro (30) and I teach Yoga for five years now.
I love how it connects so many elements of life!
In 2020 I did my Acroyoga teacher training as it was a way for me to build a connection between my actual yoga passion and my competitive vaulting (gymnastics on the horse) past. So yes, in my workshops we do Acroyoga and not Partneracrobatics :P. This menas we connect the beauty of Yoga an Acrobatics in a fun way away from competitive motivations and moving towards finding fun in the movement, fun in falling, fun in connecting etc.
As handstand is one of the seed poses in Acroyoga I also teach foundational handstand workshops in Leipzig.
As Thai massage is one of the three parts that a healthy Acroyoga practice completes, I also love to guide Thai Massaeg workshops. Its funny, because already when I was a kid I was so fascinated by the body and how to massege it! I really found so much of my passions in Acroyoga and can´t wait to share them with you :)!

Off the mat I am an urban geographer M.Sc.

See you soon, Love, Caro

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Hi beautiful humans,
my name is Alicia, I am a Yoga Teacher, Acroyogi and Movement Enthusiast based in Wuppertal.
Since I was a child I have been fascinated with movement, taking my first dance class at 3 years old. I always loved to explore new ways of moving my body. When I started getting into Yoga I realized its power to reconnect to myself and find balance for body and mind. Soon after that I discovered the beauty of connecting to other people through Acroyoga.
After my trip to India in October 2023, where I did my 200h Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, I found lots of joy in sharing that passion with others.

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