S-base reverse Hand2Hand for beginners
10.08, 11:00–12:30 (Europe/Berlin), Wood Stage
Sprache: Deutsch

We'll work towards the "step-step" entry to reverse H2H through exercises with l-and sitting base, focusing on stability for bases and comitting to this initially daunting skill for flyers.
pre-reqs: standing on shoulders; working on h2h (l or s);

My name is Verena and I live in the Netherlands. As a kid I did sports acrobatics untill I was 13. I missed it immensely but couldn't continue.

Now 10years later I came back in the acro scene through acroyoga on a Buddhist retreat and I was thrilled I could fly again!! After that I joined acro conventions where I continued doing standing acro, what was in a way more similar to sport acrobatics.
That was a very funny period because people had to explain a L-base star to me and at the same time I also joined advanced standing workshops.

Now happily joining for two years and it did improve my life a lot! I never want to leave acro again.

But I like that the focus is different then the sport acrobatics, what is meanly about making a perfect performance for a jury.

I love how the acroyoga and the circus acro is way more about the connection and the time together as humans and performing if you want to because it is fun (and not mendetory)
So I love spending time with you guys. Giving some helping tips hopefully from my experience.

Diese(r) Vortragende hält außerdem:

Meine Acro-Reise begann vor 5 Jahren aus dem Wunsch heraus, die Verbindung zur eigenen Emotionalität und Menschen anders, tiefer, verwundbarer zu erfahren.
Zuvor hatte ich viele Jahre vietnamesisch-chinesisches Kung Fu (Qwan Ki Do) trainiert und auch Erfahrung als Trainer gesammelt.
Acro lädt mich ein, spannende Themen wie Frustration, Selbstzweifel, Angst in ernsthaft-spielerischer Weise zu durchleben und schenkt mir Vertrauen, Liebe, Mut und die allerschönsten Mitwesen.

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